Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prime Meridian

The first Saturday I was here, the international students had the opportunity to go on a guided tour of London. It was a whole lot of fun, and I now know a lot of interesting facts about London to add to my repertoire of random facts about things that don't matter. Here were a couple of the hilights from the trip:

We went to the Leadenhill Market, an old poultry market with a goose mascot named Old Tom.

Near the market is the door used as the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron in Harry Potter. It is painted blue now, and looks much less impressive than in the movie.

In the afternoon we went to Greenwich, and saw the Prime Meridian.

We also went to the old Naval Academy and the Maritime Museum (there is an Ansel Adams exhibit there that I am going to go back and see). Much of the new Les Miserable movie was shot in Greenwich, and this is where the elephant scenes were shot.

The barricade scenes were also shot back in the town, and I plan on looking for those at a later date, maybe when I come back for the Ansel Adams exhibit.

There so much to see in this city. I am pretty sure I could live here for years, and still not see everything there is to see. I am looking forward to exploring more!


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